Janitzio, la isla más mistica de Mexico
Janitzio, la isla más mistica de Mexico
Alexander Jansson - Surreal Circus with Punk influences
Alexander Jansson - Surreal Circus with Punk influences
In the work of Gothenburg, Sweden-based artist Alexander Jansson, we can observe the influence of a diversity of genres as distant as literature, cinema or painting itself.
Occasional animator (I recommend watching The Curious Kind by clicking HERE), and aesthetically reminiscent of Tim Burton. Like this short animated film, his digital work shows certain parallels.
These works are characterized by being characterized by misplaced and somewhat disconcerting beings. However, they gather the skills to finally end up finding each other, coinciding in space time in similar places.
In nebulous universes, in which after overcoming a thousand avatars they manage to feel comfortable in the presence of others. Who are sometimes visible and sometimes not, weaving their own destiny with dreams.
The carnivalesque elements that he frequently employs, contribute to create a circus atmosphere, in which the range of taciturn and bohemian colors contribute to create compositions through which he conveys a sensation of intensity. Hypnotizing the observer, who is seduced and invited to explore each work in detail.
Although he is mainly known for his commissions for covers and illustration of special editions. Works that over time he has also created his own creative identity as well as his own style that he called Greenpunk.
The one that consists of applying a mixed technique formed by a collage to which he incorporates elements of his photos, models, drawings and paintings that he mixes in the same illustration. Almost handmade works with which she achieves digital images that stand out for being very natural, works that require a considerable investment of time. Completing them by adding scratches, dust and brushstrokes with which he enhances their formal finish in plastic terms.
READ IT IN SPANISH: Alexander Jansson - Circo surrealista con influencias Punk
Founder of his own studio called Sleeping House. Among his many works, the illustration of an anthology of works by Robert L. Stevenson, or the new edition of Anne E. Book of a biographical volume on the life of JRR Tolkien.
Jen Lewin, la luz del desierto en la vuelta de Burning Man post-era Covid-19
Jen Lewin, la luz del desierto en la vuelta de Burning Man post-era Covid-19
Estelle Chrétien, la redimension del paisaje entre lo público y lo privado
Estelle Chrétien, la redimension del paisaje entre lo público y lo privado
Basia Irland - Ice Receding/Books, frozen books with seeds against climate change
Basia Irland - Ice Receding/Books, frozen books with seeds against climate change
Throughout the history of mankind, seeds have been preserved in a natural way according to seasonal cycles. In cold periods the seeds were frozen. Germinating in their natural habitats when climatic conditions became warmer.
Using a language that combines lyrical, ethnic and scientific elements, the artist Basia Irland creates in 2009 the Ice Receding/Books project. For this project he was inspired by the observations and documentation provided by members of the Nisqually tribe.
Whose communities live on reservations in the U.S. state of Washington, and the natural processes from which they obtained their seed stocks. These seeds were then used in their crops.
Using ice books to fossilize the seeds, made with large blocks of ice, which are extracted from the plates that are formed in the riverbed where members of the native community usually fish.
READ IT IN SPANISH: Basia Irland - Ice Receding/Books, libros congelados con semillas contra el cambio climatico
And where thousands of seeds are deposited after being trapped in the ice, just carve the ice giving it the shape of books. In whose frozen interior have been embedded variants of seeds of local species. These are finally distributed in different points of the forest, melting due to the exposure to the sun's rays, and releasing the seeds that will spread in their area of influence, germinating.
That first experience has been replicated in other parts of the world such as Spain, Mexico, England or Iran. Through the use of collective tools, teams formed by biologists, artists, botanists, as well as local farming communities, intervene on the territory using natural methods.
Ice Receding/Books is a multicultural proposal that reflects on how human intervention impacts the environment. And how their active presence has modified the methods of germination.
Altering the landscape on which it acts having as main consequence climate change, and the deterioration of unique habitats. That unfortunately go from being in danger of extinction to disappear for good.
Barrio de Italia en Santiago de Chile, historia, comercio y ocio a un paso del centro
Barrio de Italia en Santiago de Chile, historia, comercio y ocio a un paso del centro
Última entrada publicada en NQ 11/02/25
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Entradas populares NQ
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En la instalaccion titulada The Hidden Life Within (En la vida escondida dentro), el artista italiano Giuseppe Penone injerta el tron...
Realizados a lápiz sobre la sencilla lamina de un bloc, los trabajos del dibujante Japones Nagai Hideyuki exceden los limites del papel...
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Nube de Creadores NQ
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