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Jilly Ballistic, turns public space into an activist narrative.

Like specters of the past, urban artist Jilly Ballistic prints old black and white photos, scaling them to different sizes depending on the final location where they will be exhibited, although she has a special fixation with the installations of the metropolitan. 

This recurrent evocation of the past recovers part of the city's memory, updating it through urban art. Constructing a narrative discourse where the furniture sometimes alludes to the selected image, having a therapeutic effect on the viewer, sharing this duality past/present.

Another of the artifices that he frequently uses and by which his work is beginning to be identified, consists of pasting computer menus, decontextualizing the message printed on the billboards. This form of counter-advertising aims to divert the user's attention from the constant bombardment of advertising slogans.

Jilly Ballistic, is a street artist whose work can be seen and discovered in one of the many stations of the New York subway. Where he has become a regular suspect. So in most of the occasions his interventions seem to be made in an urgent and furtive way. 

This premeditation and immediacy is translated in that a good part of actions, being practically branded as vandalism acts, operate in the public space in a very ephemeral way. Made in tangible places such as waste dumps or advertising media, their creations are a way of establishing a communication with public opinion.


Although she does not reject technology because in fact she began to show her creative concerns in the world of photography, a relationship that can be perceived in many of her projects. Gradually she was leaving it in the background.

According to her words, this distancing occurred at the moment when the digital era turned the act of taking photographs into an innocuous and compulsive act where reality became an image devoid of context. Breaking that relationship momentarily. A situation that is changing, returning to obtain that lost depth. 

READ IT IN SPANISH: Jilly Ballistic, convierte el espacio público en un relato activista  

The messages loaded with irony dilute the sense of the original message substituting it for another that distorts its purely commercial approach, substituting it for others that although apparently without any pretension, can even be catalogued as somewhat naive. They do have an evident political and activist discourse. 

Cardboard Bike Project, recycled cardboard bike for 10 dollars

Pending patent for its manufacture, the Cardboard Bike is a design that combines craftsmanship and recycling, as basic principles, to offer a customizable product at a ridiculous price. According to its creator Izhar Gafni

The whole process of design, manufacture and assembly of the Carboard Bike, does not exceed the 10 dollars budget, having a retail price ranging between 70 and 90 dollars depending on the extras added by the customer. Made with cardboard, its creator was inspired by the documentary about the uses of cardboard that was broadcasted in his place of residence.

The secret for the pressed cardboard to acquire solidity and resistance lies in the resin solution to which the parts of the bike, handlebars, frame, pedals and accessories are subjected, and which is a formula made by Izhar himself, an enthusiastic cyclist. He has created an eco-vehicle, which offers all the guarantees of safety, as it is backed by the enthusiasm and experience as a designer of its author. 

The solidification process ends by adding a layer of pearlescent paint, being able to withstand water and humidity, presenting a long durability. The video shows in more detail each and every one of the steps that make up the manufacture of the Cardboard Bike, a type of product that due to the scarce resources it requires, materials from recycling, thick cardboard and materials easy to find. It could be manufactured in developing countries.

Izhar's bicycles redefine the idea of green transportation in every way, being environmentally friendly from the earliest stages of production and marketing. Izhar Gafni, a resident of Kibbutz Bror Hayil in the Negev (Israel), took the most popular vehicle in the community and decided to turn it into a viable, sustainable and brilliant business idea. 

In addition, those who decide to add a removable motor to their frame instantly turn it into an electric bike, which increases the bike's weight but improves its performance over medium distances.

David Hill a pioneer of digital photography


Today with an image processing application anyone can achieve excellent photographic results, perhaps what makes the difference is that subjective nuance, in the end the psycho-affective elements provided by the photographer.


And therefore the skills deployed in the creative process and the technical knowledge that the photographer possesses. David Hill is an example of the above, his photographs in HDR, meet both in its execution, as in its composition, as well as in the treatment of images made in the studio.

Where he sometimes retouches each image to the point of exhaustion, something he does however with the sole objective that each of the many photographs he has taken throughout his long career. It reflects those elements and concerns from which he has created a very particular universe.


Whose visual narrative apart from preserving some signs of identification perfectly recognizable by anyone who approaches his work. In which prevails his vocation that in many of his photographs you do not appreciate the difference with what could be an illustration.

Dave does not make use of a simple Photoshop plugin, with which he retouches those aspects of the photograph until he gives it his particular stamp. Paying special attention to the lights by applying specific filters through which he gets that lighting as localized as realistic. 

READ IT IN SPANISH: David Hill un pionero de la fotografía digital  

His technique, developed over many years, therefore requires a combination, in which the parameters related to lighting seek a movement of that image that in principle is immovable and that comes to life through that action that is perceived. Creating a highly seductive narrative. In the following link you have the opportunity to follow the process of applying the HDR technique.  

David Hill is a commercial photographer based in Los Angeles. Born in 1979, he grew up in San Diego. His love for photography has evolved over the years, and now it has become his obsession. David Hill is one of the biggest names in the photography business.