Dithyrambalina, a city built by musicians

Walking among its narrow streets flanked in many by very precarious constructions made in an almost handmade way, and in most of the occasions recurring to materials obtained in garbage dumps, or subtracted from some construction site located in the surroundings. 

You have the feeling of being in a movie set, the disposition of its houses, located following a layout whose final and most significant destination, is a place full of symbolism and meaning. Surrounding the main monument is "The Music Box".

An installation that combines architectural expression with a vocation for you to be an active part of its representation, it is this immersive characteristic that vertebrae and energy charge this unique site. That despite being in the center of the city transmits the feeling that it is beyond in an ethereal world where creativity is contagious through the symphony of melodies that floods each and every one of its spaces.

And that has been created by the association Street art Swoon, as well as a good part of the constructions that are part of Dithyrambalina. A community populated mostly by musicians, is located in one of the many lots that were generated in the city of New Orleans, as a result of Hurricane Katrina.  

The project started in the fall of last year, when under the baton of urban artist Swoon, who met with a select list of sound change theorists, kinetic experimental musicians, musicians of different tendencies and Gamelatron (myspace) a robotic orchestra.


All those present set themselves the goal of creating from creative processes and through experience with instruments with the purpose of creating a method that blends architecture and music. The buildings, built in miniature with abundant reclaimed materials, are designed according to the score of each musician who participated in this initiative. 


Visitors can interact with the structures according to the sounds they emit, actively participating in an architectural-musical experience, gaining an understanding of the space they usually relate to.

Three monthly live performances are bringing together stellar groups of local and international musicians to play these unique scores. Quintron, little more or less than a legend within the local community. He leads this experimental orchestra. 

READ IT IN SPANISH: Dithyrambalina, una ciudad construida por músicos  

Dithyrambalina is an experimental prototype of sound architecture that allows to explore architecture from another perspective. Located in the St. Claude Arts District, a shantytown, this sound laboratory resembles a dream symbolized by architectural melodies.