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Banksy against the war in Gaza


Barely a year ago in 2013, one million Palestinians living in the confines of the Gaza Strip suffered one of the most brutal military campaigns by the Israeli army in living memory. 

And whose civil and material consequences still persist, and that in figures translate into more than 30.000 families are currently homeless, living forced to live in the street. 

Situation of which no media speaks to us and with which the urban artist Banksy has shown his solidarity. Showing his commitment to those most disadvantaged, vulnerable and helpless groups such as those who are part of the child population.

Moving in-situ to portray this reality through the interventions that has as he completed them filmed in a video of barely two minutes. Where in parallel he describes us through the testimonies of its inhabitants. 

Banksy, without abandoning his anonymity, moves to one of the most conflictive areas of the planet. Denouncing the informative silence and the abandonment by the international community of the Palestinian cause.

The difficult circumstances they are going through and the lack of attention they receive from the mass media, since the Hebrew forces withdrew from their territory. Leaving behind a scene of desolation and hopelessness that will take a lot of time to rebuild.

READ IN THE SPANISH: Banksy - Palestina Graffiti Free