The latest trend is to spend the vacations in a house with recycled windows
The latest trend is to spend the vacations in a house with recycled windows
Jaakko Pernu, sculptures made with branches invoking the ancestral
Jaakko Pernu, sculptures made with branches invoking the ancestral
Jaakko Pernu is a landscape sculptor of Finnish origin, who bases his work on techniques in which he reuses branches and plant debris, which he collects in the surroundings of the installation site, waste that after selecting them.
Making monoliths and geometric figures, which are inspired by the fragility of a landscape cut by curvilinear shapes. The specific interventions on the territory usually play with some contradictions or antithesis, such as: the light combined with the general shape of the elements that make up the landscape where it is intended to integrate.
Or in another sense in the aesthetics and contour as well as the texture, color and texture of the organic matter. Or even in the case of Jaakko in the subtle translucent forms, which contrast with a solid structure that as a whole conveys a message of commitment and communion with the natural environment.
His sculptures are often designed on a large scale, with which he achieves an immediate visual impact due to the great contrast with the territory in which he intervenes. With this method he gives his works of art a tangible reading as well as a poetic lyricism that establishes an equidistant point between the spartan and the creative of the landscape and its narrative performance.
Brilliant works where the geometric shapes adapt like pieces of a puzzle fitting in a magical way with the peaks of the trees, as if they were the product of a natural process. Jaakko explores the influence of humans on nature and vice versa in an endless cycle as if it were a Moebius strip.
And where above any other consideration prevails innate intuition and a respect for the natural environment with which he establishes a dialogue, through which he tries to create a unique and complicit language. A language whose dialect is both universal and secret, and behind which there is a refined work, which explores the influence of human beings on nature and vice versa.
READ IT IN SPANISH: Jaakko Pernu, esculturas hechas con ramas que invocan lo ancestral
Jaakko's work is motivated by the artist's experiences, during his childhood in Finland, where he was always helping his father to build boats, manipulating wood into organic forms. That experience with creating elegant forms is reflected in his large-scale Land Art sculptures. Pernu's preferred working material being willow branches, which he weaves with his own hands.
Última entrada publicada en NQ 11/02/25
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