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Basia Irland - Ice Receding/Books, frozen books with seeds against climate change


Throughout the history of mankind, seeds have been preserved in a natural way according to seasonal cycles. In cold periods the seeds were frozen. Germinating in their natural habitats when climatic conditions became warmer.

Using a language that combines lyrical, ethnic and scientific elements, the artist Basia Irland creates in 2009 the Ice Receding/Books project. For this project he was inspired by the observations and documentation provided by members of the Nisqually tribe.

Whose communities live on reservations in the U.S. state of Washington, and the natural processes from which they obtained their seed stocks. These seeds were then used in their crops.   

Using ice books to fossilize the seeds, made with large blocks of ice, which are extracted from the plates that are formed in the riverbed where members of the native community usually fish.

READ IT IN SPANISH: Basia Irland - Ice Receding/Books, libros congelados con semillas contra el cambio climatico

And where thousands of seeds are deposited after being trapped in the ice, just carve the ice giving it the shape of books. In whose frozen interior have been embedded variants of seeds of local species. These are finally distributed in different points of the forest, melting due to the exposure to the sun's rays, and releasing the seeds that will spread in their area of influence, germinating.

That first experience has been replicated in other parts of the world such as Spain, Mexico, England or Iran. Through the use of collective tools, teams formed by biologists, artists, botanists, as well as local farming communities, intervene on the territory using natural methods.

Ice Receding/Books is a multicultural proposal that reflects on how human intervention impacts the environment. And how their active presence has modified the methods of germination. 

Altering the landscape on which it acts having as main consequence climate change, and the deterioration of unique habitats. That unfortunately go from being in danger of extinction to disappear for good.

Artist Guy Laramee recycles books to become landscapes.

Books as creative material, apart from the narrative format we attribute to them as readers, can offer endless creative and plastic expressions, adopting in this way another narrative role. 

Resulting in many and varied ways of representing the same reality, the photographer and artist Guy Laramee, is an expert in capturing the essence of the landscapes he has the opportunity to visit. 

After photographing them, he locks himself in his studio and creates these surreal reproductions. The natural and architectural landscapes represented in these models belong to the Biblios and The Great Wall series. 

READ IT IN SPANISH: El artista Guy Laramee recicla libros convirtiéndolo en paisajes

They are sculptural works that reproduce landscapes carved in old books, in which no detail is missing. Revealing serene mountains, plateaus and architectural structures, which are integrated into these natural environments without altering them. 

Science popularizer Carl Zimmer uses tattooed scientific elements to promote love of science

Perhaps the scientific formula formulated by Albert Einstein, his famous theory of relativity, which revolutionized physics in the first third of the twentieth century. It is the tattoo with which most people identify themselves. 

But apart in the selection of scientific tattoos made by Carl Zimmer who is a writer and divulgator scientist, who has been receiving in his blog The Loom and has collected in a volume entitled Science Ink.

The first edition was sold out in bookstores during the first week of sale to the public. You can find references to any scientific discipline, tattoos that sequence DNA strands, such as the one using the four nucleotides that constitute the amino acids that translate proteins. 

They reveal the initials of your partner becoming a gesture of love towards her. An act of love directed to your partner, as well as to the paractic and especially to the scientific divulgation. 

A facet that has been parallel to his career as a member of one of the most reputable institutions in scientific terms in his country. Work in which he has applied himself providing numerous satisfactions, and enough knowledge that in his spare time he has incorporated to his other great passion, the artistic tattoo.

But you can also delight yourself with tattoos that are inspired by astronomical terms or that describe chemical formulas, or that give a glimpse of the different organs that remain lodged at the subcutaneous level. 

READ IT IN SPANISH: El divulgador científico Carl Zimmer utiliza elementos cientificos tatuados para fomentar el amor por la ciencia 

Works that show us the evidence that dozens of intelligent and intellectually perceptive young people recognize that the equations, symbols and elements that make up the periodic table. They can be transformed into the motifs that build an aesthetic narrative that will always accompany you.

A visual and elegant language through which the universe reveals its deeply buried and marvelous secrets. Showing us along the way traits of our personality, experiences that can guide us towards that destiny we long for.