The Ball of Light is a photographic project by Adelaide photographer Denis Smith. Denis has taken traditional photography (no Photoshop here) and added a new dimension with his 'Ball of Light' creations. The Ball of Light floats in space transforming various locales into mystical portals bursting with otherworldly colours and energy. The contrast of the glowing spheres with the straight precise lines of the settings pulls in the viewer, triggering a sense of imagination and wonder. It's ethereal and still organic, and at the same time bold and almost blunt. The Ball of light fits into and augments it's settings without being overwhelming. "There is so much post processing of photography today, I wanted to create something that was real, yet unreal. No pixels are added or subtracted from the Ball of Light images. Living in South Australia has inspired me as a person and as a photographer. The constantly changing country side, the incredible landscapes and beautiful city give me no end of scope to work with. I dream of searching the planet for the Ball of Light. It has enlightened my life, perhaps it may bring joy to others."
Denis Smith/Ball of light
junio 05, 2011
Nomada Semillas
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